I wish I were some sort of so-called "Bro" in this age of brotherly dominion. A tech bro or a finance bro if possible, as they seem the most successful genres of bro. But the socio-economic landscape is ever shifting, particular fraternal fortunes can wax and wane in the blink of an artificially intelligent eye, turning bro against bro, Cain versus Abel live streaming on your favorite digital platform. So who can tell which bro enclave is most stable and secure? I've never been a prophecy bro, so don't ask me.
I guess I could be a blog bro, no doubt the lowest of the low when it comes to bros, so I command no respect, I wield no power nor exert any cultural influence. In fact, writing a blog probably makes me more of a "sis," if you know what I mean. Or perhaps we bloggers are so despised that we can claim no sibling solidarity at all. We are the black sheep of the modern family, embarrassing outcasts, not even invited to weddings, funerals or corporate buyouts celebrations. So I wish I were a Bro.